2008年5月22日 星期四

終於來了!! Ubuntu 8.04

在Ubuntu發佈了最新的8.04 LTS之後, 就想要試試傳說中的Request free CDs是否真的會寄到, 因為我想要那個Ubuntu的貼紙...在簡單的登入Ubuntu網站與填寫寄送地址及數量, 終於在下訂的一個月後, 收到了從英屬曼島寄來的Ubuntu包裹, 官方說交付期約4~6週果然名不虛傳~~

包裹是採用有防水處理的紙袋, 而內層則是氣泡袋, 在包裹正面, 標明了訂的數量...我只訂了一張Ubuntu的i386版的LiveCD, 本想連64-bit的版本一起訂, 可是聽說要得愈多Canonical要付更多的郵資, 雖然是不用自己出錢, 不過我可不想Canonical因為大量的郵資問題而停止Ununtu的發展, 資源還是要留給需要的人好了...

包裹背面, 除了載明郵資之外, 還有Canonical公司的簡介:

April 2008

To whom it may concern,

Canonical Ltd. is a global organisation headquartered in the Isle of Man committed to the development distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community.

Canonical's projects include the Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu operating systems. All of these products are developed as free and open source software and can be used, modified, and redistributed without permission and completely free of charge. As part of it's promoting Ubuntu, Kububtu and Edubuntu, Canonical Ltd. sends CDs, completely free of charge through the mail to users who request them. The software on the CDs can also be downloaded at no cost through our website.

The Ubuntu, Kububtu and Edubuntu CDs in all shipments are distributed completely free of charge. For shipping purposes, we declare a 0.13 EUR value for each CD. However, these CDs are free promotional meterials rather than imported goods to be sold, and are not for commercial use or for resale, and as such, there should be no import duty charged. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me personally.

Marilize Coetzee
Distribution Co-ordinator

這則說明簡單介紹了Canonical以及Ubuntu家族系列, 而且還不只一次提到"free of charge", 也說明寄送一片CD的成本要0.13歐元(而旁邊的郵資單則寫€0.88), 如果你被收錢了(關稅等等), 可以私下與這位Coetzee聯絡, 不知道他會怎麼幫忙呢??

拆開包裹之後, 終於出現了:

裡面包含了一張Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition的LiveCD一片, 以及4張ubuntu linux for human beings的貼紙, 看哪個倒楣鬼被我灌了Ubuntu之後再貼上去吧!!

CD版面設計得還蠻好看的, 不像某家公司的作業系統光碟還雷射處理, 花花綠綠的看都看不清楚...

上面大剌剌的寫上"Legally free to copy, modify and redistribute", 就連做大補帖的都還沒這麼慨, 如果上面說的那家公司也可以這樣的話....呵呵, 慢慢等吧~~

不過作業系統早在一個月前就用下載版灌在VMware裡面了(謎之音: 那你要free CD幹麻??), 看起來跟之前常用的7.04差不多(都是Gnome介面嘛!!), 連預設的開機音樂都一樣咧~~不過這次記憶體最低需求已經來到了384MB, 老舊電腦已經快跑不動了, 而檔案瀏覽器倒是比之前從Mac OS X"借"了更多的概念過來~~

好不好用還不敢說, 至少7.04給我的感覺蠻好的, 不過慣例就是總是有些小毛病, 剛剛就遇到"登入"設定的視窗開不起來, 結果放在那邊不管它, 二、三分鐘之後就自己跑出來了, 怪怪...不然就是中文化不完整, Gnome在老電腦上的執行速度太慢了, 希望Ubuntu的開發社群能夠多注意一下這些小細節, 畢竟Ubuntu的口號不是linux for human beings嗎??

